books, Challenge, reading, Uncategorized

Stephen King

Okay, so another little challenge I set myself around October time last year, was that I wanted to read EVERYTHING Stephen King has ever published. I mean, the man is a genius. I’d happy read and re-read his shopping list if he published it. (I’m not weird, I swear.)
So I printed a list and put it all into sections, and I’ve been slowly marking off those I’ve read as I’ve read them. I scour charity shops and second hand book shops whenever I come across them in the hope of finding a SK bargain, and I’m doing quite well for myself. I’ve even bought a second bookcase which I plan on using as a SK bookcase as my collection grows.
I think if I’d have thought it out a bit better, I’d have read them all in order, as some characters and places reoccur, and they all interlink and it’s really fascinating to see how he weaves it all together so seamlessly.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying reading all of his books for the first time, I’m over the moon with it, if I had the capability I would read them all at once!
So a lot of my reviews (but not by any means all) over the coming months are going to be of Stephen King books. So if that’s your sort of thing, then that’s fantastic. If not, then I can only apologise for the fact you have sadly not discovered the absolute JOYS of getting lost in this man’s incredible stories.

I’m on 53/249 so far! I CAN DO THIS.

books, Challenge, reading

Belated New Year’s Resolutions.

Okay, so – I’ve never really been one for New Year’s Resolutions – I’m terrible at sticking to things for a start, and I just don’t really see the point in waiting until January the first rolls back around to make a positive change in your life. If you want to start doing something, start doing it! There’s no time like the present!
But I am interested in seeing how much I can achieve in a year, and seeing everyone’s New Year’s Resolutions got me thinking. I mean, I’m trying to live a healthier and more active lifestyle – but I’ve been doing that since before New Year – and I’m not especially fantastic at resisting chocolate, but what I am really good at is reading. (And procrastinating. I’m supposed to be writing an essay right now.) But I read a LOT. But I’ve never really kept track of just how much I read. So I decided to start. I’ve been keeping a list of all the books I’ve read since January the 1st, 2016. They’re starting to add up already – I mean, I’m not exactly reading a book a day, (I can only dream!) but between two jobs and a full time university education – I’m pretty proud of how I’m doing so far.
Then I got thinking again (That’s twice this year, I’m starting to scare myself). Why stop at a list? It will be awesome to look back at the start of next year and to have a tangible number of how many books I’ve read in 365 days, but why not write about them, too? Why not remind myself of how much I loved a certain book, or why I loved it, or hated it for that matter (There are very few books I hate). I also get a lot of people ask me what I’m reading at the moment, do I know anything they’d like to read? Any recommendations?
So yes, yes I do. They’re here, on The Bookie Monster.